Black Egypt

"The revolution is not an apple that falls when it is ripe. You have to make it fall. " – Che Guevara

I don’t see human beings, only colour

If one side of a child’s family suffers from an inhered heart condition, they will talk about it considerably more than the other side of the child’s family, who’ll we say don’t suffer from it. The logic behind talking about something that affects your life seems – for some conditions, at least – fairly obvious.

And the narrative of suffering being a cause of that family’s fixation is key. If they talk about this condition, be it heart problems, or anything else, it is because it has importance to them and they wish to address the issue to resolve it. But no one in their right mind who doesn’t suffer from this condition would tell them that it isn’t important, or even that somehow their being conscious of the issue is what makes it an issue in the first place. Of course, it’s very easy for a family with the privilege of not having an inherent heart condition to say that this condition isn’t important.

But in many cases, the rudimentary logic of extensively discussing something that you know affects your life is forgotten, especially with regards to what one side of my own family discusses.

As a child, I always noticed one thing that my mother’s family would discuss infinitely more than my father’s: race and ethnicity.

Each time I visited my mum’s family, I always heard a conversation at some point about how significant race is, and I’d hear how a person in any given discourse was Black or White, and you could bring up a conversation about race or specify someone’s ethnicity without anyone in hearing proximity flinching.

My dad’s family, on the other hand, never once mentioned race. Quite unlike my mum’s family, they didn’t see it as an issue. They only ever talked about people as human beings, rather than under any race-related narrative.

Our ‘colour-blind’ hegemony tells us that only racists are conscious of race, and that perceiving race as an issue only helps to fuel racism, so if we simply ignore someone’s race, racism will finally be buried in the graveyard of time. Assuming that this idea is true, which side of my family is to blame for racism? If you yourself subscribe to colour blindness, you’ll unavoidably put the blame on my mum’s side. Because hey, it doesn’t matter about skin tone, right? Any given human being who talks about race is a racist, right?

But here’s an extra bit of information: dad’s family is White; my mum’s family is Black – and hopefully you’re not colour blind to the extent that you’ll accuse me of inciting a lynching spree by telling you that.

So let’s assess a few things here. In the age of of imperialism, European scientific racists held race – their biologically defined abstract invention – to be of indispensable historical and cultural importance. One such person was Robert Knox, who in 1850 proclaimed:

“That race is everything, is simply a fact, the most remarkable, the most comprehensive, which philosophy has ever announced. Race is everything: literature, science, art – in a word, civilisation depends on it.”

Like his peers in colonial-era academia, he was a staunch racist, and racism had indeed been created by virtue of the European invention of the concept of ethnicity by Immanuel Kant.

But how did White people go from fetishising ethnicity as the defining element of humanity, to then virtually forgetting about it overnight? Quite simple – they had the privilege of doing so. Let’s use this analogy: in order to procure a position of power, a group of people, named group A, invents the concept of hierarchy based on eye-colour, with green eyes (their own) occupying the top and blue eyes at the bottom. Group A then encounters group B – an exclusively blue-eyed collective. Punishing them for their abhorrent sins of innately having blue eyes, group A proceeds to violently beat group B into a state of physical disability – a state which will be, let’s say, heritable to their children.

But succinctly after this pointless beating, group A suddenly realise that an eye-coloured based hierarchy has no empirical truth, so discard eye colour from their conscious preoccupations and go off to the pub for a pint. Those in group B, along with their descendants, would like to forget about eye colour, but sadly their lives have become defined by is very existence. They know full well there is no superiority-inferiority binary associated with eye colour, but their current state of disadvantage exists by virtue of eye colour. For them, therefore eye colour becomes a social reality, and it will always be a spectre that will haunt their consciousness so long as they remain disadvantaged.

Group B would love for group A to acknowledge the fact that they have a disadvantage by virtue of position in society…but group A just so happen to have a guilt complex. Group A now recognise the immorality of their afflictions on to group B, but they have an emotional quasi-nationalism which makes them far more concerned about their own image by virtue of this immorality than the suffering of group B. So group A blame group B for their disadvantage – group A ask group B why they can’t just forget about their eye colour and get on with life; group A sees palpable inequity but unconsciously blames group B for it, by saying that anyone who talks about the concept of eye colour provokes the inequity (most probably because group B reminds group A of their past eye colour-consciousness), thus implying group B members to be the ones provoking discrimination by virtue of them discussing eye colour – an implication no different to its counterpart in the victim blaming of rape culture.




But this modern eye colour discrimination isn’t based on eye colour-consciousness, it’s actually based off laissez-faire capitalist individualism. A member of group A one day ompetes in a race with a member of group B, who is forced to begin on the same staring line as his opponent. By virtue of the imbalance in physical ability, the group A member wins, and blames group B for his loss, because – in spite of his disability – he didn’t work hard enough. Of course, the group A member can’t acknowledge the eye colour inequality. That’s be prejudice, right?

The group B member complains that starting off at the same line as his rival caused this loss. But rather than the group A member agreeing to give his opponent a head start on the next race, he replies by saying that we must all be treated equally and ignore disability…so somehow…by magic…said-disability will magically disappear. Therefore, the group B member being conscious of his eye colour-induced disability, at the time when the disability didn’t exist at all, is obviously what created the inequality in the first place! Effectively, group A assumes a false social equivalence between themselves and group B, thus allowing them to say that ‘reverse-discrimination’ is a reality. On the premise of eye-colour unconsciousness creating equality group B is to blame, not group A.

The government then establish positive action programmes, which are conscious of disability by virtue of eye colour and promise to give group B members a head start in life over group A members in order to balance out the inequality, since group B members occupy the bottom of the privilege chain whilst group S members occupy the tip. But after reading Milton Friedman’s Capitalism and Freedom, group A members then take to Twitter and complain bitterly about the reverse-dscirmination that they daily experience as a result of this government intervention. Group A members once again say that by ignoring the eye colour, the disability will vanish! Thus group A members believe that by doing absolutely shit all to highlight and tackle the palpable eye colour-induced inequality, the inequality will fix itself by magic…just like the free market!





Let’s return to race. As James Bladwin quite rightly put it, “Being White means never having to think about it.” Of course, if your race has never been disadvantaged by virtue of racism, why would race be important to you? But for those who live in a competitive, neo-liberal system whereby disadvantaged races are forced to compete with privileged races on the same metaphorical starting track, it will obviously be significant. So by saying “I don’t see colour, only human beings”, who are you blaming for racism? Whites or people of colour? It’s very easy for those with privilege to turn around and say “race doesn’t matter” – but not so easy for those at the bottom of the racial chain.

But before I ever researched the concept of colour-blindness, myself, like many other of people of colour, Morgan Freeman included, proselytised the victim-blaming attitude of the (non-White) mentality of race consciousness to be the propagator of racism. Black sociologist W.E.B. DuBois, who wrote in the era of colour-conscious apartheid-esque Jim Crow racism, recorded a White girl asking him “How does it feel to be a problem?” And people of colour in modern colour-bind hegemonies are also accused of being the problem by seeing race as an issue – but nowadays their identities as non-whites just happen not to be specified, which is an ingenious unconscious way of colour-blind White people exempting themselves from the problem of racism. Many White people are obviously too colour-blind to see that those who are conscious of race are preponderantly non-White, which again is an ingenious way of creating racial inequity without having to breach their morals by doing so consciously.

Reverting back to the point on capitalism, racial inequality isn’t brought about by the White power structure being conscious of race. Rather, it’s brought about by colour-blind capitalism, whereby an apparent fear to highlight facia differences leads White people to believe in a false social equivalence between themselves and non-White, thus putting the able athlete and injured athlete on the same starting line, and giving them the mandate to write blogs on the headache-inducing concept of “reverse-racism”. The very same principle applies to gender inequality.

But why are many White people more offended by structural racism being accentuated as racist than by the structural racism itself?



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Colour blind White people taking such issue with race being pointed out simply indicates to me that unconsciously they are infinitely more concerned with their racial privilege being acknowledged than by the racism itself. The entire enterprise of colour blindness seems to be premised on unconsciously maintaining racial inequality without White people having to transgress their morals by consciously doing so, because the apparent racial nationalistic guilt complex that many White people have precludes them from accepting the responsibility for racism whilst simultaneously creating it through the unwitting means of neo-lberalism. Supposedly antiracist paraphernalia created by White liberals further solidifies our victim-blaming colour blind capitalist hegemony, thereby unwittingly preserving their racial privilege under an anti-racist guise.

Overall, I quite inversely “see colour, not human beings” because colour – whether we like it or not – the invention of race still exists as a social reality. As astounding as this logic may sound, we can only solve a problem by acknowledging that it actually fucking exists.

47 comments on “I don’t see human beings, only colour

  1. An Opinion
    November 7, 2014

    What if we all decide that we are humans, instead of colours?
    Yes I know, how scaringly refreshing that would be. Ofcorse, humans would find something equally stupid & pointless to fight about, but at least this one pile of brainless cack will be gone.


    • Black Egypt
      November 8, 2014

      Did you read my fourth paragraph? Colour blindness is victim blaming. If we decided that we were all humans instead of colours without first giving people of colour an equal social foot-holding, then people of colour would be kept in their disadvantaged position of society and wouldn’t be allowed to speak out against structural racism, because doing so would “provoke it”. Your comment is a perfect demonstration of that attitude; I write a blog on structural racism and you criticise me for talking about skin colour, as if pointing out racism is actually worse than the racism itself.


      • An Opinion
        November 20, 2014

        If all people are considered as humans, not colours, then everyone would be on an equal footing.
        Racism can’t exsist if there’s only one race, human.
        While your wasting time playing with words & subscribing to blame culture, people are suffering cos of all this skin colour nonsense, they are the victims, not over-educated fools who don’t understand real life. I may be wrong, but it seems that you ain’t got a problem with so-called ‘racism’, just that you think it favours the wrong group from your point of view. What if these imaginary groups didn’t exsist in anyone’s mind? What if everyone said or wrote human, when asked their race? Are you saying that you don’t want that?


      • Word Warrior
        November 24, 2014

        You’re the racist, you big racism stirrer!


      • Black Egypt
        November 26, 2014

        “Word Warrior”

        Keyboard warrior, more like.


  2. Black Egypt
    November 21, 2014

    “If all people are considered as humans, not colours, then everyone would be on an equal footing.”

    Wrong – inequality would still exist, but POC would be prevented from pointing it out because – as I’ve said – they would be told that they’re provoking it.


    • Data
      November 25, 2014

      Sir, I suggest you seek medical attention. You are suffering from a form of mental delusion, commonly known as ‘being a racist’. If left untreated it’s almost certain that you’ll become a complete asshole.


      • Black Egypt
        November 27, 2014

        I love it when White people pull out the reverse racist card. Yeah, that’s right – I just reminded you of your skin colour. If you’re going to continue reading my blogs then it’s best that you get used to it.


      • Data
        November 27, 2014

        Too late, you’re an asshole, or arsehole in your dialect.
        Fear not, there is a cure, but it will mean changing your way of thinking fundamentally. I’m not sure you are ready yet.


  3. Alaka
    November 22, 2014

    You say that anti-White racism don’t exsist, whilst providing an entire blog that proves that it does.
    Brother, what do you hope to acheive by this blog?
    If White people have the power, why would they listen to the victim?
    How am I a victim? Yes, I’ve been mistreated because of my skin colour, but who ain’t? It happens to Blacks & Whites. A White person being abused because of their skin colour is being mistreated, same as when a Black person is for their skin colour.


    • Black Egypt
      November 26, 2014

      If White people are at the receiving end of racism by virtue of people pointing out ethnic privilege then wow – Mandela and Malcolm X must have been worse than Hitler!


      • Data
        November 27, 2014

        Define ethnic privilege.


      • Alaka
        November 27, 2014

        So you believe the only form of racism white people face is people pointing out their ethnic privilege?
        That is beyond ignorant.
        Countless white people have been targeted in varying attacks for no other reason than the colour of their skin.
        In many places in the UK crime statistics indicate that the most racially abused group is white people.
        You yourself have assumed people commenting on your blog are white, & have put them down cos you don’t agree with them, but also because you believe they are white.
        Look, if you think people should be treated differently based on the colour of their skin, that’s up to you, but you will be called racist. Saying that poc should be treated better because they’re underprivileged is illogical. If that ever took place, then white people would be underprivileged & that would have to be adjusted, so we’d end up back where we started.
        I don’t believe poc are underprivileged. We’re everywhere, & that’s not that many of us here in a relative sense. I don’t understand where you’re coming from, it seems a very mixed up place. Don’t you know, 2 wrongs don’t make a right. I’m confused as to how you don’t grasp that your views are racist. Yes, I know you subscribe to this crap that poc can’t be racist, but that’s just delusion. There are plenty of white racists who either say they can’t be racist or that there is no such thing as racism. You need to understand that you saying that poc can’t be racist is in the same vain.
        We are all human, do you agree?
        In which case, wouldn’t it be better to dwell on the positive things we have in common, rather than pointing out the division as you say?
        That won’t sort the problem out, it’s ignoring it, you may say. Well, if making one race more privileged than the rest was the answer, we’d be living in a paradise cos the whites did it for years. If you have a problem with their privilege, be against the privilege, don’t say there’s no problem with privilege as long as we have it & they don’t. Because that would make you like them. White privilege, the very few white people who actually have it, will always make up reasons why they should keep it. By saying we should have privilege because we’re underprivileged, is doing the same as them, because we’re making up a reason as to why we should have it & others shouldn’t.
        If you don’t believe that everyone should be equal, then you’ve already got the world you want, cos this world certainly equal.


      • Black Egypt
        November 27, 2014

        You clearly have a conflicting view of racism. I view racism from the cultural Marxist perspective i.e. rather than racism being defined by someone of any ethnicity attacking or verbally abusing each other on the basis of ethnicity, racism is the preservation of the socio-economic power of a certain race through government policy, structuralised discrimination and the representation of socially lower races in culture and the media. Given that in this society Whites are the ones with the socio-economic power, they’re the only ones who can be racist in the Marxist sense. If you want further reading on that definition then this is a good place to start:


  4. Mr President
    November 23, 2014

    How dare you disrespect Mr Freeman.
    He is a great actor, whereas you are an ignorant racist.
    You do not speak for POC, you speak for hate filled scum.
    Close your blog down as it is nothing but a recuiting ground for vile racism spreaders like yourself.
    Martin Luther King is spinning in his grave.
    You are a disgrace.


    • Black Egypt
      November 27, 2014

      Tbh I wasn’t really feeling Freeman’s latest film.


  5. Human Egypt
    November 24, 2014

    There were no black people in ancient egypt
    There were no white people in ancient egypt
    There were only humans
    You racist moron


    • Black Egypt
      November 26, 2014

      Yeap, only humans. So it’s okay for White colonialism to erase the ethnic history of Ancient Egypt and subsequently claim they were all White in order to push a cultural supremacistic agenda. But it doesn’t matter, ‘cuz they’re all humans, right?


      • Human Egypt
        November 27, 2014

        No it’s not ok for someone to believe they are part of a race, & then to make out that their race achieved things that it didn’t.
        My point is, if nobody believed in these ‘races’, this wouldn’t be an issue. I know you find it difficult to look beyond the mindset of today, but we all need to for the following generations.


      • Black Egypt
        November 27, 2014

        I’ve reiterated my arguments against colour blindness repeatedly yet you still demonstrate that you can’t see passed the privileged White mindset of “I don’t experience racism therefore it categorically doesn’t exist and there’s no point in talking about race.”

        “Make out that their race achieved things that they didn’t.”

        Tell that to the White hegemony, not me.


  6. How Very Dare You!
    November 24, 2014

    How very dare you call yourself a person of color, you MASSIVE racist.
    POC have suffered for years by being mistreated because of their skin color, that’s on the decline, & now you want to stir up hatred by spitting your hate filled lies.
    Only the very stupid are going to buy into your racism. Your babyish attempts at manipulation are laughable ‘blaming the victim’. All racists make out that they’re the victim, including the nazis.
    Many POC, like many white people, are hardworking, honest, decent folk, who want to get on with all people, & get on in life.
    Racists like you, regardless of skin color, are lazy, dishonest, vile people, who want to divide & cause conflict because of your own insecurities.
    Quit your racism you lazy hateful man.


    • Black Egypt
      November 26, 2014

      Oh wow someones delegated the title of ‘racist’ to me for highlighting the colour of my skin, I guess by doing so I must be provoking innocent White people to then be racist. But they’re not the real racists for being reminded of my skin colour; I am for pointing it out. I was just ASKING for racial abuse, wasn’t I?


      • How Very Dare You!
        November 27, 2014

        Stop blaming the victim.


      • Data
        November 27, 2014

        By definition, you have not been racially abused. Your skin color or percieved race was not used in an abusive manner. It was stated that you think you can be racist because of your skin color. That is conjecture. You have rebuked others because you have assumed what their skin color is, and said that their behavior is typical of someone with that skin color. If you are calling this racial abuse, then you’re by your own definition a racist. If you re-interate that you cannot be racist because of the color of your skin, then you’re simply agreeing with the person you have accused of abusing you.
        I do find humans confusing, often you just don’t compute.


      • Black Egypt
        November 27, 2014

        Nope – I’ve never said you have to be conscious race to maintain White privilege


    November 24, 2014

    The racist of the week award goes to…Black Egypt.


    • Black Egypt
      November 26, 2014

      Me winning the ‘racist of the week award’ would be as tragically ironic as Obama winning the Nobel Peace Prize.


  8. You won't post this
    November 24, 2014

    I have to say Mr Black Egypt, you appear to be the very embodiment of a racist. You believe that you should be given advantages because of your skin color. You talk deogratory of people who don’t have a similar skin color to you. Also, you say that you’re the victim. How are you any different from Hitler & the Nazis? Skin color you’d say. Exactly, there’s no difference between you & Hitler’s Nazis at all. So, Mr Black Egypt, what war crimes are you intending to carry out? Who’s goung to be the victims of your genecide? You discusting racist.


    • Black Egypt
      November 26, 2014

      Hitler must be rather proud in the afterlife knowing that so many people are platitudinously comparing him with other people they don’t like.


  9. The Messenger
    November 24, 2014

    According to Black Egypt, treating everyone the same regardless of their skin color is a bad thing. Obviously he’s a racist. But what does he say to counter being called a racist? ‘You’re blaming the victim’. It’s slightly more original than saying ‘I’m not being racist, I’m just saying it how it is’, or ‘I can’t be racist because I’m a Black person’, but not much more original. Racists have always cried victim, after all that’s their excuse for their heinous ways. Yes, ofcorse, genecide is nothing but self-defense, the ones commiting the genecide are the real victims. And so the delusion continues.
    The dispora; the slave catchers, slave runners, slave sellers & slave owners were obviously the victims. The enslaved people? Obviously over-privleged. You’re correct, complete garbage, but what Black Egypt is saying is tanamount to the same thing.
    It’s like saying that those that did the killing in the holocaust were the real victims, not the people that actually died.
    Lets just hope that Black Egypt, and other racists, like Akala for instance, are ignored by most people, or we could end up with another tragic genecide.


    • Black Egypt
      November 26, 2014

      “According to Black Egypt, treating everyone the same regardless of their skin color is a bad thing.”

      Well yes, if you don’t give the underprivileged benefits over the overprivileged to balance out the inequality then that is a bad thing.


      • Data
        November 27, 2014

        There is no evidence to support your theory.


      • Alaka
        November 27, 2014

        No, that would just be role reversal. Same problem, different people. The last thing it would do is balance out any inequalities.


  10. A Different Angle
    November 24, 2014

    At least one of the Roman Emperors was African.
    Egypt is in Africa, so they were African whatever their skin colour was.
    Better that people ignore your skin colour than treat you badly because of it.


    • Black Egypt
      November 27, 2014

      Actually it’s better that people address why they would be racist at all after noticing skin colour, and if you don’t ask why that is then you’re perpetuating a victim blaming culture.


      • Data
        November 27, 2014

        Why are you a racist?


      • Alaka
        November 27, 2014

        Who are the victims that are being blamed?


  11. Racist Hunter
    November 25, 2014

    A Black racist, how quaint. Sadly you’re growing in number.
    Appears you expect to be treated preferentially. What are you, a white nazi? Shame on you blackman. You racist asshole. Because of you millions of dead African slaves are spinning in their graves. What did they die for? White greed, yes, & black ignorance. Blaming the victim, what’s that, a standard rebuttal to anyone who don’t agree with you.
    You’re worse than a white racist. They are usually ignorant or motivated by greed or pride, but you, you don’t like what happened to ‘your’ people, so you wanna do it to the whites. You are racist filth.


    • Black Egypt
      November 26, 2014

      “A Black racist”

      Never heard of one of those before.


      • Racist Hunter
        November 27, 2014

        I’m afraid they’re as common as the white variety.


      • Data
        November 27, 2014

        That’s incredibly unlikely.


  12. Woteva Next
    November 25, 2014

    The Egyptians may have been black, you don’t say.
    Right, so you’re talking about ancient Egypt & skin color, obviously you’ve got a hang up about race. I’m not blaming any victim, I’m saying you’ve got a hang up about race, Why?


    • Black Egypt
      November 26, 2014

      …Because I’m not White…


      • Alaka
        November 27, 2014

        Terrible reply. Plenty of white people have hang ups about race & plenty of poc don’t, & vise versa.
        What are you, a stereotype? Of what?


      • Black Egypt
        November 27, 2014

        The vast preponderance of Whites who have a hang up about race are racists, but that’s not the same for POC. Again, you’re assuming a false social equivalence.


  13. 70s Man
    November 25, 2014

    Back in the day black men were cool, like Shaft.
    Now, more of em are becoming racists, like the writer of this blog.
    Racism, seriously uncool man.


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